This case was a big one for Enkidu.
As so many others, it started with a body. A woman named Ashley Lind fell down from the roof of Royal Plaza Casino like a bird with its wings clipped and crashed onto the marble stairs in front of the entrance. Detectives figured it was a suicide and closed the investigation, but Enkidu could feel it in her bones something didn’t add up. Downtown was outside her jurisdiction though. There was only so much she could do.
The proverbial “so much” meaning she called her friends to help her solve this one on the down-low.
The Crew got back together. Job, the immortal priest; Mitosis, who didn’t really have anything better to do than looking for the bottom of the bottle anyways; and Flicker, well… Of course she was too young for it, but you try to talk her out of something and see how it usually goes.
Together they dug through the last living days of Ashley Lind. At first sight all they found was just memories of another one of the City’s many lost souls. Tough exterior – but her insides delicate as clockwork.
Step by step, clue by clue, they followed the trail of crumbled mechanical gears to the real story hidden behind the casino’s walls: How Ashley fell in with the bad crowd and got herself involved in a casino heist gone terribly wrong. How Kenny Liu, the Casino’s owner, tried to use her powers to ward off a powerful enemy of his. How her powers failed. And how because of that Ashley’s live was forfeit.
She died like a bird in a cage, only allowed that one last moment of flight before the abrupt, terminal landing.
That case still haunts Enkidu in her sleep. She learnt the truth, yes – but she never managed to follow it all the way through. Liu never paid for what he’s done. His henchman, Carlton Cooper, sure did though. It was him who told the Crew what really happened in the Royal Plaza Casino. Not voluntarily, of course. Not by a longshot.
Enkidu will never forget the look on Flicker’s face when they pushed her out the door so she wouldn’t see.
God, what a mess.
[Gambling with death is an official City of Mist scenario written by Amit Moshe which we played during our “Year Zero” with City of Mist.]