This one was a long time ago, my friend, So long in fact that it’s hard to remember why it came to be at all. Some say that two players cancelled on this session last minute and the MC had to come up with an entirely new case when he had watched “What we do in the shadows” the night before. The details are tough to recall, but…
It definitely started with a boy.
No, not a body. A boy.
The one that Flicker (played by Kapik) liked, that's it! Matthew was his name, a quiet yet popular hipster kid. She fell head over heels for him like only teenagers can. And she could barely contain herself when he asked her to come to his house party on Friday night. Of course, she was so nervous! She changed her outfit a thousand times and even stole a bottle of wine at the corner shop when they wouldn’t sell it to her on behalf of her not being 21 yet.
Now, the party was a little too much for her taste. Too much noise, too little space, too many drunk teenagers jumping cannonballs into the garden pool… And when Matthew introduced her to his parents – who stayed for the entire night and didn’t show any signs of discomfort with their house being practically demolished – yeah, that part was definitely weird.
Of course she had no idea those people are actually not Matthews parents.
The “people” part would also be up for a debate.
But all of this Flicker learned only after Matthew took her to his room and roofied her drink.
When she woke up tied up in the kitchen, the party was over. All the guests had left as if with a flick of a finger. Now the house was starting to show its true colors: freshly white paint peeled off of the walls to uncover moldy wooden planks, black fluid began leaking from the fridge, cookie jars on the shelves turned into tall glasses containing pickled body parts… And Matthew’s “mother”, hunched over a huge cauldron bubbling with smelly stew, was sharpening a long, flashy knife while whistling an ominous melody.
All the while the “father” of the family was in the basement, tending to the rest of the few chosen ones who were not to return from their party.
Yes, indeed: their party. Turns out Matthew wasn’t the host after all. In this house, Baba Yaga and Vlad the Impaler called the shots.
Lucky for Flicker there was someone watching her back that night. Someone you ought to have on your side if you ever get jumped by such dark and cruel Rifts:
One very angry priest.
Job (played by Terka) initially followed Flicker to protect her against dangers… well, rather moral ones in nature. He certainly didn’t expect her to get in trouble with Rifts of a hungry witch and a vile vampire. But honestly, he might be relieved. If he has to choose between kicking some bad guy asses and talking to a teenage girl about sex, well, it’s not like he needs a lot of time to decide.
If any of the Sleepers in the neighborhood could actually see that fight, it would be truly something to behold. The whole house got up on its two giant chicken legs and started running down the street, tumbling and swaying left and right. Inside Flicker was zapping around the living room walls, trying to get to Baba Yaga circling the chandelier on her broomstick while Job was doing his best to keep Vlad’s fangs away from his throat.
But, as is the nature of the Mist, nobody saw anything.
So when Flicker and Job returned home that night, there wasn’t really much to speak of. Another danger was adverted. Another evil beaten. And another boy Flicker had her mind set on was actually just a pawn under mind control of a vampire Rift.
She just can’t catch a break.
Houseparty was a homebrew one-shot case we played during our “Year Zero” with City of Mist.