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Master of Ceremonies

Centuries ago, maybe even millennia, migrating people first settled in the area that is now the City. They were met by indigenous tribes, as history tells us, or, if you want the romanticized version, by monsters, spirits, and gods.

[Old Quarter is an official City District featured in the City of Mist: Player's Guide book. Its description here comes straight from there.]

Their settlement thrived and evolved, growing greater in fortune and population as time went by. Eventually, it became this City you see before you; but it all started here, in the Old Quarter.

Old stone buildings and cobbled streets with wrought-iron street lamps make out this cramped district, giving it the appearance of a place out of time. Landmarks of the City’s history are everywhere you look, from pompous historical estates with neatly-trimmed gardens to well-preserved townhouses where someone important once lived.

As you venture deeper into the quarter, it becomes harder to navigate by car. Narrow alleyways lead to quaint crafts shops, boutique hotels, glorified bistros, and art galleries, then open up to small squares, decorated with antiquated but masterfully sculpted fountains. The Old Quarter is no less than enchanting; ironically enough, it has the air of something foreign, far from the modern City not by distance, but by time. Everyone you’ll meet here has an interesting tale about the Quarter and you can almost breathe in the history that these stones have seen. If you are looking for something eccentric and unusual, you will find it here.

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